
Sunday 30 October 2011

Autumn soup

A lovely soup to have on a chilly Autumn day...


2 vegetable stock cubes
1 curry stock cube
1 bunch of Coriander finely chopped
3-4 oz of pumpkin
1 marrow diced
4 carrots
3 sweet potatoes
1 onion
1 tablespoon of butter


Cook everything together in a large pot of boiling water until everything has reduced and cooked, then pour out the soup into a sieve (make sure you catch the liquid underneath into a bowl). Then mash the softened vegetables, put the mashed veg back into the soup and cook until it has further reduced to a runny-thick consistency. This soup is really good served with garlic bread.

Tip: Once served into bowls, lightly pour cold single cream over each soup serving. It adds a lovely flavour and looks great if done in a little swirl.

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