
Saturday, 21 May 2011

The Wiccan Book of Shadows

The Book of Shadows is a book which contains all of your spells, rituals, recipes and many other Wicca related things. In Covens it is generally given to a Witch when they have been Initiated, or some Covens have one Book of Shadows which everyone contributes to. The Book of Shadows can contain the Coven's traditions, beliefs, Sabbat notes, ritual workings, religious texts and any other notes which the Coven have deemed worthy to put in the Book.

Solitary Witches often make their own Book of Shadows, below I have listed some things which you may wish to include in your Book of Shadows.

  • The Cover can have your name or simply 'Book of Shadows' on it
  • Write out your Dedication to Wicca in the front
  • Write out what you want your book to do for you, what do you want to include in it?
  • How do you want to organise your book, with sections? With tags?
  • Many books include the following information: your traditions, beliefs, your initiation ceremony, your God and Goddess, dedications, rituals, spells, Sabbat rituals, Divination, magical recipes and religious texts.
  • Having all of that information, can muddle up your book. So I would suggest, having it in the form of a three ring binder or just as a number of volumes.
  • You can also have illustrations, dried herbs in the pages, a record of all the Wiccan books you have read and many other special items.
  • Do you want to handwrite it or type it? I suggest hand writing it, as it transfers your energy to the pages and it makes it more personal.

Those are just a few suggestions, it is entirely up to you on how you design your Book. I suggest not having one until you have performed a Self-Initiation, as you can bless your Book along with the rest of your Wiccan items. Also, having the book in front of you during any spell making is useful, as you can add notes while you are in the Circle.

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