
Monday 16 May 2011

The Elements and Zodiacs

All of nature is made up of four Elements, Witches believe that these Elements together with the fifth Element make up ourselves and the world.

The Elements are real energies, which can be accessed by understanding the way they work around us. They represent different aspects of our being, Air are our thoughts, Earth is our physical body, Fire is our passion, Water our emotions and Spirit is the force which is ourselves.

The Five energies are represented in the Pentagram, this symbol is worn by many Witches and appears on the alter at rituals. During a ritual, you can also invoke the pentagram of a specific Element if you wish to cast a spell that requires the strengths of that Element.

Elements are also linked to the seasons, astronomy and the zodiacs. Below are some definitions of the Elements and their relation to the Zodiacs.

Air - The place of mind and body, source of logic and thought. This is the part of us that wants to learn, it is also the curious and youthful side to us. Air signs are good at making a point and starting anew. Although, Air signs can also seem detached and impersonal with their approach. The zodiacs associated with Air are: Aquarius, Libra and Gemini.

Fire - Fire heats the blood and is the source of sexuality. It is active, exciting and makes things happen. It is also renewing and purifying, as fire transforms, changes and destroys the ground for new growth. The passion from fire can bring love, life and creativity, it is also freedom and courage. However, those associated with fire are hot-tempered and argumentative. While fire is passionate, its intensity can also consume, it is impatient and never stops unless it is has burned itself out. The zodiacs associated with Fire are: Sagittarius, Aries and Leo.

Water - Accepting and tolerant, Water overcomes difficulties instead of confronting them head-on. It brings sorrow, love, compassion and empathy. It also brings fear and can overwhelm. Water is the well of information, it brings knowledge from meditation and knowing one's self. The zodiacs associated with Water are: Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces.

Earth - Earth is the physical body, its qualities are dependability, endurance and protection. It has a pleasurable side as it governs the source of life through sensuality. Earth can also be greedy and it can demand things in excess. It is important to appreciate both Earth's sense of peace and destruction. The zodiacs associated with Earth are: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

Not everyone will feel linked to their Element, but some people find aspects of themselves within another. However, it is important not to deny your Element as it still holds a part of you.

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