
Sunday, 15 May 2011

Rules behind Wicca

The Wiccan Rede

With Wicca there is a rule that all Witches must strive to follow, and by which they measure their actions. It has the following key phrase:

An it harm none, do what though will

This means you should do what you feel is right for you, but in doing so, you must not harm others. At times, doing what is right can still hurt others, in that case, if you are willing to accept the consequences you are required to make a moral judgement.
The Wiccan Rede can come in a much more poetic and lengthier form, but I find that, that one phrase is enough to remind me of the Witch's Rule.

The law of three-fold return

When practising magic, every Witch must be aware of the consequences their magic will have upon themselves and the surroundings. The following term is generally applied to this warning:

Whatever you do, be it good or ill, will be returned to you threefold

Every Witch must have this in mind before they practice any magic.

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