
Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Candle magic

Candle magic is a simple and traditional technique. It has been around for many years, an early example of it would be in the Lascaux caves when the caves would go in so deep that carrying a flame was necessary, it was thought that the flames would create a liminal boundary between the living and the dead. Candle magic is a very powerful form of Sympathetic magic (For a list of different types of magic click here).

Candle magic is good for drawing positive energy and focussing your inner mind. You can request for something or ask the God/Goddess a question. However, like any other form of magic, whatever you do will return to you three fold, always keep to the Wiccan Rede. Be very careful with the words you use, as your request may come true in a very unconventional way. Some Candle magic is performed over a couple of days, while others can be performed during a specific moon phase. It is a good idea to place your candle on an alter, to keep it safe and out of the way.

A candle can be blessed and consecrated. It is also important, that you pick the colour of your candle wisely. As each colour has a specific meaning. Below is a list of different colours and their meanings:

Green - Growth, health, fertility and love

Yellow - Intellect, inspiration, creativity and confidence

Red - Strength, fertility, passion, attraction and power

White - Balance, cleansing, purity, healing and truth

Black - Protection, new beginnings, hex-breaking and healing

Pink - Devotion, faith, friendship, peace and the purest form of love

Gold - Protection, wealth, masculinity and luck

Lavender - Mother spirit, selflessness, understanding and calming

Blue - Truth, peace, wisdom and protection

Purple - Power, wisdom, psychic powers, confidence and divination

Brown - Balance, home, prosperity, learning and concentration.

I find that the white candle is the most effective during any ritual, I generally use that colour all the time because it is untainted and pure. Note: If you can avoid it, don't use a scented candle, because I find it distracts your senses when meditating.

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