
Tuesday 20 September 2011

Mabon 21st-23rd September

Autumn is here! My favourite time of year because of it's colour and business. This is also the time of sacrifice. Mabon is used as a time to recognise that all things mus whither and die, but they will return in another form.

This is a good time to take a walk outside, to experience and feel the season surrounding you. Take photos of the changing leaves, watch for animals and listen to the sounds of Autumn.

Now is also the time for cleaning and preparing your home for Autumn, clean your windows, wash your curtains, clean out the fireplace and hoover. Don't forget to stock up on food, just as our ancestors used to make the Summer's harvest into jams and preserves to last through the Winter. Time is different now, and we can simply go to the Supermarket, but I still like to do it the old way.

Meditate on what the Summer has brought to you and how you plan to welcome the Autumn, how you celebrate it is of your own choosing. Making an alter, creating your own spells or leaving an offering are good ways to honour Mabon.

Happy Mabon to you all! Blessed Be.

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